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艺术新闻文章工作 英国领先的艺术管理杂志,本网站包括新闻、功能、下载和信息工作在艺术行业。有是一个巨大的可搜索数据库存档的所有新闻、特征和产生自2001年5月首次出版以来的特别补充。对该存档文件的访问是通过订阅是到ArtsProfessional。打印的版本,以及电子邮件新闻稿发布到成千上万的世界各地的读者。The UKs leading arts management journal, this website includes news, features, downloads, and information on jobs in the arts industry. There is a huge searchable database archive of all news, features and special supplements produced since first publication in May 2001. Access to this archive is by subscription to ArtsProfessional. The print version, as well as e-mail newsletters, are published to thousands of readers worldwide.内容提要:The UK’s arts management journal for industry professionals, covering theatre, visual art, dance & classical music....
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